Pilot Knob
Pilot Knob is home to over 6,000 acres of some the finest September and Early October bugle hunting in this area. Located on top of the continental divide, this camp sits "On Top of the World" at 9500 feet in elevation, and is the most scenic of all our camps. Â This camp rarely falls below 97% harvest rate.
This camp has more of a rugged wilderness feel to it. The camp is warm and comfortable, but sleep at night can prove difficult with bulls bugling outside your door. This hunt is for the person who enjoys camp fires at night, and the feeling of a true wilderness adventure.
The lodging in this camp consists of 4 cabins and a cook house. The cabins serve as sleeping quarters for guests, with each cabin containing 2 bunk beds sleeping up to 4 hunters. Since groups of 6-8 is standard, it is normal for each of these cabins to house 2 hunters. The cabins are equipped with propane heaters and all electricity at camp is supplied by a generator that is turned off nightly. While comfortable, this camp is very remote. There is no TV, phone service, or internet access. Only stories told around the dinner table or campfire.Â
With the exceptional hunting and the beautiful scenery, comes extreme physical requirements from the hunter. Â Some hunting is accessed by ATV/UTV, and there are a few areas within these boundaries where we can get close to the wildlife by vehicle. However, there is also a tremendous amount of terrain that is considered rugged, and requires hunter to have the physical ability to access the hunting.